The Urn of Eulogeo

“The Urn of Eulogeo” is the counter to the Urn of Shades. Upon the Alter of Hera the Urns are always placed  “black on left, white on right” symbolic of  the balance and neutrality of personal energies. The mirror of the Urn of Shades, The Urn of Eulogeo (Greek for “blessing”) is filled with the ashes of blessings recounted on parchment, prayers to Hera, as well as the ash from alter incense and white sage. Positive energies are channeled into the Urn of Eulogeo by holding the Urn with both hand and drawing it closer to the heart. This symbolic gesture represents the hearts celebration of the many blessings, gifts, and powers granted seemingly out of no where.

A physical manifestation of “count your blessings” has gone one step further. A measure of each power and blessing is gifted back through the use of the Urn and is stored there until it may be needed. By keeping the Urn in place on the Alter it is a gesture of telling the Goddess “hold onto this for me until later” much like one may give their mother money to save for them so that they don’t spend it on useless things. It’s about being both grateful and responsible with your gifts and abilities as well as establishing a more personal relationship with the Goddess who granted them in the first place.

Should this Urn ever be filled the Urn must be taken someplace high and the ashes within scattered on the wind. The gesture is meant to represent the gifting back of what was given and the sacrificing of ones own blessings to the rest of the world.

By Angel Snowden
