The Eye of Hera

In the myth, Hera once captured Zeus for his constant infidelities and had the other gods backing her up until Zeus was set free by demons from Hades known as The Hundred Handers.

As punishment, Zeus hung Hera from the sky by golden chains where she cried out in pain and torment until Zeus grew weary of the sound. Zeus offered Hera a reprieve. If she swore to never act against him again he would set her free. The Queen of the Gods had little choice, but the ever cunning Hera allowed for one final blood stained tear to fall from her delicate cheek before taking the oath. And within that single tear was the Goddess�'s resolve, power, and rage. So heavy was the tear that it fell from Olympus and into the world of men, where it was destined to be lost, until the dawn of a new Age that was far beyond the influence of Zeus, as well as beyond the reach of the oath. For it was Hera who swore never to betray Zeus again�, not a mortal.
