A Dangerous Question of Ill Intent

Since the very start of my journey I have had a lot of adventures and seen a lot
of what would be considered unbelievable things by the general population.
Through it all there is also the illusive hint of a subject I've never
approached before.

In most forums notes of things like karma and the law of three abound. The idea
that there is a triple recoil for anything one sends out has always been a bit
odd to me. I do believe that there is a price, power has to come from somewhere,
but it tends to be in equal measure, at least in my experience. I don't believe
or have ever experienced "metaphysical inflation". But then again, I'm
admittedly odd.

The moral guidelines are great for most mortals. It makes them feel a little bit
better for the retched things they really are. Do onto others, the three fold
law, karma, the checks an balances of "bad behavior" abound. But not everyone or
thing abides or is bound by such limitations.

Obviously, I have made just as many, if not more, enemies along the way as I
have companions. I've done and said things to people right here in the Den that
defied everything considered decent in the world of men. And I've done things
beyond the Den that would make the devil call me Sir. And it seems to be paying

But there have also been many, many instances where I didn't do a damned thing
and very, very bad things happened.

Now, I'm sure there have been many who have tried their best to weave a curse or
some kind of binding over me. Probably more than I'll ever know. Odd that those
things never really stick. And my character being what it is I dare and provoke
them to try just so I can watch the aftermath. That's one thing. But what about
something as simple as trash talking?

I've seen this happen time and time again. Normally, when it comes to being
blessed by the Gods with the gift of trash talking I'm the guy hated the most.
And I have no problems in admitting that I enjoy myself immensely when offered
the opportunity to use that gift. It's one of my most entertaining qualities I
think. But at the end of the day, that's all it is for me: entertainment. I
smile while doing it. There is a playful emotion behind it. It's not always so
for the other guy...or girl. I am an equal opportunity trash talker. The oddity
is when they trash talk, with ill intent, and there is an unrealistic backlash
for it...and not from me. I can even go one better and offer black and white
proof that I don't even have to be present for the backlash to occur. Invoking
my name is enough. And I'll hear tale of it all weeks and sometimes months or
even years later. I always categorized it in the "whatever" file in my mind and
blew it off. That is until I actually got blamed for a cascade of bad situations
that I had no conscious involvement in, involving two former Den members who
have had a stint of "bad luck" in the extreme after doing nothing but trash
talking. Now, we're not talking about the car breaking down, financial stresses,
or anything we might think of as mundane bad luck. We're talking loss of jobs,
complete emotional breakdowns, nightmares, and undiagnosed debilitating physical
pain that never stops. And since there is no other "logical" explanation for
these events or the seeming coincidental nature that they took place just after
the trash talking occurred, I've been blamed for all of it.

And, of course, all the friends, family, and sympathizers with the unfortunate
parties have sacrificed their own credibility by backing the idea that I ruined
these people's lives and left them all broken and in pain and such. Even though
I had no clue or any insight into what was happening to them as it happened nor
did I give them a galactic bitch slap like I once did right here on the board
years ago. I honestly had nothing to do with their misfortune. But something
did. So, what was it?

These are recent events and I've been following along with them like a snake in
the grass out of sheer wonder more so than in the idea that I love seeing people
talk about me when they think I can't see or hear. But the story there is
getting more far fetched than even I could imagine up. And, oddly enough, the
more it goes on and on, even without my involvement, the worse things seem to
get. When the sympathizers offer up their idea of "aid" they come back with
"OMGs I got hit too!" And I don't know whether to laugh at the dumb asses or be
kinda freaked out. They are coming up with all kinds of fluffy ideas on how to
"stop me". Hell, I never started!

Now, my logical half is chalking the whole bit up to a few things. Coincidence
(which I don't believe in), cascading effects (one bad thing leads to another),
and of course the simple fact that people always need something to blame. It,
like trash talking, is little more than entertainment. There is really nothing
else there.


The wanderer in me has to entertain the question of "what if?" Which brings me
to my question and the direction I'd like to go here.

Do you think that the Gods, or any other entity that we might work with as
Pagans, "look out for their own"? And how far will they go to do just that? Or
is this a form of *gulps* "karma"?

Mythology and legends abound with notes of the Gods or other beings being over
protective, extremely vindictive, and clearly not bound by the limitations of
dogma, morals, or romantic notions. Throughout world mythology the Gods have
always had their favorites and have whimsically defied even other Gods to favor
their chosen; often saying "To hell with the consequences."

Within the pages of the book the idea is acceptable. But bring them up in the
modern world, under modern circumstances and the idea seems to be taboo. You
just don't mention it to anyone because you are most likely insane for thinking
that the Gods or anything will favor you. It makes you look egotistical and self
righteous right? Opinions don't change the fact that these things still happen.
We just never really hear about it because no one ever had the courage to open
the topic.

We spend all of our lives in service and worship of the Gods. We tell tales and
write poems of their interactions in our lives and how they manifest. And this
is all common topical matter. There seems to be a wall however on the idea that
the same Gods we worship and serve would step in and maliciously rip apart
anyone who comes at us with ill intent. Even though much of our myths and
legends are colored with this very thing occurring on an amazingly common basis.

Past and present experiences have given me enough undeniable evidence that
though the year may have changed, the Gods have not. And it comes down to, as
does many things, there are simply things that logic cannot explain within the
limitations of the modern mind. And it was the sum of such events that led to my
final decision for the dedication ceremony I performed last night during the
Eclipse. I begin that new journey here in wonder. The perfect place to start.

The past and ongoing current tale that has me listed as the source and target
mean nothing really when it comes to the subject matter, beliefs, and outrageous
spin-offs from the imaginations of miserable and broken people. Some of whom
have never even met me or had any direct interaction with me what so ever. You
are who you hang with and often enough you will share in their fate. There is a
reason why people say "misery loves company". If you don't want to be miserable
simply rid yourself of miserable people and you'll increase your odds of a good
dose of happy.

That tale of me will pass like they always do. It's just a story for my part
because I'm not really involved. I watch it kinda like I watch TV. Half assed.

But, with the thinking that there is a lesson in everything what lesson is there
in this?

I can't be the only one around that this kind of thing happens to. You can call
the source of it anything you want. From guardian angels, to gods, to my pet
dragon, to the spirit of my grandfather. I don't care who or what gets the
credit for it. I just want to know more about the how and why it happens. And
more importantly, what extremes are sometimes reached when it does.
