Lightning in a Bottle - Thunder Wine

I woke up before down this morning to flashes of lightning and claps of thunder and I welcomed it. I've been in and out, playing in the storm, soaking up the rain all morning.

Completing the challenges on the Path of Gaia I returned home to check in on another challenge I had committed to some time back. The challenge was to fill a crystal bowel with less than a cup of rain water from every thunderstorm of the season until the Greek vase I was storing it in was full. The rule was that there had to be both thunder and lightning present during the gathering of the water. Reason being, lightning alters the chemical composition of rain water. Without lightning there literally would not be any life on the planet. It took a dozen thunderstorms, filling the crystal bowel one raindrop at a time, in order to fill the vase.

 Once I had collected the storm water the trick was to turn the water into wine. And so I set about brewing, mixing, filtering, fermenting, and creating a perfectly balanced sweet amber red wine from the storm water. Not red in the traditional sense. This wine happens to be made primarily of honey. The red tint comes from the pomegranate and herbs I used during the fermentation process. The result has come to be a rather potent potion and a measure of that exact potion can be seen here:

This small measure taken from the main stock is enjoyed (no more and an ounce at a time) on days like today when there is a thunderstorm present. Some is offered up as an offering to Hera upon the altar, while the rest is to be sealed in a very special, hand etched lightning bolt wine bottle. Once corked the cork will be sealed with a special red wax embedded with a fulgurite crystal (a petrified lightning bolt).

This wine has a sweet start with a spicy finish that lingers. it is the perfect embodiment of the elements from which it was created. It also happens to be a one of a kind wine. This wine cannot be reproduced. This one batch is all there is and all there will ever be.

Crafting unique items such as this has become an important part of the path with the Goddess Hera. Historically the ancient gods tend to be hard to please and even harder to remain in the favor of. This list of things I have done in Hera's name has grown exceedingly long. I've even developed a habit of sleeping before the altar more times than not. A practice that seems to be linked to the lucid dreams I've been having and also a deep sense of reserved calm. 

A calm before the storm. Very soon I will be taking on the challenge of all challenges on this path thus far. I have put everything I have ever accomplished, created, loved and suffered for on the line with this challenge. The ancient bond on Hera still remains in effect, Zeus still holds some measure of control over her. Golden chains that I intend to break. Whatever the cost. 
