The Path of Gaia

I'm currently making preparations to head out on a long journey into a 300 million year old landscape that will require traveling over 40 miles by mountain bike followed by 10 miles worth of cross country hiking through the rugged terrain of an ancient sea bed - the first endurance challenge of this season of The Journeybook and the continued quest in the name of Hera. 

It takes longer to prepare for these long journeys and more to anticipate. Learning from past travels and adventures I know what I am facing and what I will putting my mind, body and soul through in the next 15+ hours. I'll be setting out on the journey before sunrise so that I might make it to the goal area of this quest with plenty of daylight in which to explore and film. I'll be in touch with those who follow me along on these journeys via Facebook by sending out live updates throughout the day. 

To help with the challenges to come I've prepared a couple of simple aids: an infusion of lemon, honey, herbs and white tea extract, a balm made from extra virgin olive oil and simple things of that nature. The journey is to go slow and steady because of the distance, terrain and the elements themselves. Injury, exhaustion, dehydration, all the standard risks are high this time and need to be considered. 

Once again I have the persistent feeling that there is something out there to obtain with no real clue as to what that something is. Perhaps it is the journey itself. To take on the challenges to come, pass all of the unknown tests and do it all in front of a live audience. An example, and instance where the time for talking about a path, a Goddess a destiny is over and the opportunity has come to offer up proof through actions. A judgment by deeds rather than words. 

In which case, it's time to stop writing and get back to preparing. The journey begins in 4 hours. You can watch it all unfold HERE.
