The Gift of Poseidon

On May 7, 2013 the journey turned westward along the coast until we came to a place where the God  Poseidon holds great influence. It was there that the long path traveled across the lands found lands end. The next adventure would put me under the sea.

It would also be the first chapter in The Journeybook to be named directly after one of the Gods. Something that might seem odd considering the entire tale involves Hera, Zeus, and myself  and yet it would be Poseidon - a seemingly unrelated God - who would come to change the impact and range of everything.

It's still unclear which side Poseidon favors. Hera and I or his brother Zeus. But the gift Poseidon was to grant might also be seen as him being neutral about the whole thing. The tribute required by Poseidon in order to gain access to the sea realms was costly but the benefits that would come of it would be of equal measure.

This photo (left) is but one of the 75 stills I took while filming this chapter of The Journeybook and this tiny creature packed a powerful punch when it came time to post the photos - instantly becoming the single most popular image taken from the entire series to date.

The release of the photo manifested in a massive boom and is quickly circling around the net in multiple forums, creating a huge increase in the viewer range of the series. A story isn't much of anything unless it is being told.

Attentions are being draw with every step I take. Every day I get closer and closer to taking on the battle that many are already holding their breath to see. The gift of Poseidon would come to be a net cast over tens of thousands of people who would turn their eyes and become witnesses to this very tale.

Many of the landscapes and images captured in this journey are ethereally beautiful, haunting, and enchanting. It has been a relatively calm adventure thus far this season. But that sense of calm wont last. A very long path still lies ahead and that path will not always be beautiful nor will the challenges to come upon it be easy.

Only one quest westward remains before the turn south and the long march begins to the end of Zeus.

