The Coming Storms

A quest had been planned for this coming Sunday ( June 2, 2013) to return to the island where I discovered the 7 Mile Altar Stone and Zeus's Lightning infused Eagle stone. This same island is also where three bald eagles appeared during the journey to place the last of the stone Hera Votives to complete the Ritual of Moira a 22 part, 9 month long ritual meant to release Hera from her bindings by Zeus.

Since these manifestations all came to pass on the same island the island was named "The Island of the Gods" and deemed to be 'holy ground'. I have not been to the island since the encounter with the eagles. Nor had I intended to until I had a vague dream about it which has since infused me with a sense of urgency in getting back there for some reason.

I planned the journey to answer the pull to the island and then a change in the weather came about. 2 days of thunderstorms are expected over the weekend which  prevents the planned journey on Sunday and the rains to come with these storms will increase the flow of the river making the island that much harder to set foot on for a time after the storms themselves pass.

I don't know what lies on that island, what manifestations will present themselves when I return to it, or why the sense of urgency to get there. The appearance of the thunderstorms does delay the journey but it is also a fools errand considering I have been harvesting the essence of such storms and welcome every one of them in order to gain more measures.

Another manifestation has appeared behind the coming storms. The past 2 days have been the hottest of the year thus far. But a cold front coming in behind the line of thunderstorms will drop the temperature and humidity drastically for a few days. The cooling veil of the cold front will make journeying far easier and more comfortable.

So it would seem that I have gained a hindrance from Zeus and a blessing from Hera when it comes to venturing back to the Island. The only thing to do now however, is wait.

The Island of the Gods
