The Chain of Fate

Discovering the valley where the Chain of Fate was hidden posed a few challenges due to some of the locations along the way not being on any map. Which I thought odd considering just how many detailed maps are available. The journey was also a race against time. Much of it was done just before sunset and it was well after dark before I made it back to "civilization".

The adventure took me further south that I had anticipated, hooked to the west into a deep river valley where that falls were tucked away under the arches (Right).

And there near the falls, as foretold, was the natural cavity cut into the rock itself by thousands of years of swirling water when the river flooded where I found the golden chain.

It was a moderate climb down the rocky river bank in order to get to the falls themselves. Many others who take on the venture reported it to be a difficult climb down and even harder getting back out.

From the overlook area the rocky slopes look intimidating enough. Most of them are sheer drop-offs of smooth rock face. No footholds, nothing to hand onto. But just to the south of the overlook, hidden in the brush, is a trail snaking down most of the way. A little jump at the bottom and one finds themselves face to face with the cascading falls.

Once I retrieved the Chain of Fate I had to make my way north along the river bank until I came to a narrow passageway where the bedrock had actually split in two. From above this same passageway cannot be seen. The ground appears to be solid. An illusion brought on by the angle and the fact that both chunks of earth have a matching pattern to them. You have to be directly over top of the chasm in order to know it's there. And that chasm is the only way back out without climbing gear. But even using the chasm led me to a secondary rock face I had to climb in order to reach the trail heading out. Luckily the secondary face was broken and covered by thick tree roots that gave me the ability to climb.

The Chain of Fate now rests in the altar room at Hera's feet. Another ritualized test completed bringing me one step closer to my goal.

But passing these tests and attaining the power of lightning are two very different things. From here on the journeys will be much more difficult and far longer. Tests of strength, endurance, and resolve are coming from the landscapes alone. Not to mention what the Gods themselves might throw onto the path.

What is to come next might very well provoke Zeus enough to take notice once again as I prepare to return to the island where I discovered the Seven Mile Altar Stone and the fulgurite Eagle. The next leg of the journey will take me back to the Island of the Gods. The same island where Zeus manifested so prominently during the final quest last year. And unlike all of the other quests I have taken on this season, I have no idea what lies in store or what it is I am to discover on that island.
