The Heraian - Heaven and Earth Masters Edition

The following video has been in the works for three weeks. The creation of this video involved 52 different clips, 50 separate transitions, 7 video length special effects, 6 spectrum filters (each taking at least 3 hours each for processing) and 12 minutes and 49 seconds of digitally enhanced mixed music that plays out in two chapters "heaven" and "earth".
The final video file turned out to be so complex that it took over 2 1/2 hours just to upload it to YouTube so that it could be shared in this High Definition CinemaScope format.
A major part of this video was filmed at a Greek temple garden during the "Master of the Arts" chapter of The Journeybook Series. I took a secret side run during the filming to get the clips to make this very video which I had already been planning for weeks prior. The temple gardens you will see in this video have become an important place for me to visit from time to time.
I had two goals in mind with this video. The first was to tell an unbelievable story in such a way that the story changes from viewer to viewer. Anyone who watches this video from start to finish is going to get a different message, a different story out of it.
The second goal is to offer a beautiful example of what one might be able to create and experience when they have devotion and focus within their spiritual path. In order to experience this kind of thing in full measure one must be able to relate to the idea of being devoted to something beyond reason. To not only have an interest but to fall in love with it to the point where everything beyond it seems pointless.

And above all else, you have to be able to respect the individuality of the Gods as singular, unique entities not much different than your fellow man.
It is from this perspective that such things are created, focused, and empowered. It is from this perspective that we might see old gods walking on new streets.
I consider this video no different than any of the hundreds of votives that decorate my altar room or the hundreds of pages worth of tales involving me and Hera. The journey, the time, the effort, the stress and frustration, the lessons in patience, that it took to create this particular piece were all part of the tribute to her.
And with that, it is my honor to share with the world this latest tribute to Hera, the tale, and the path.
