The Mists of Moira

The Moirai...unforgiving Sisters of Fate entered into the quest to complete a lengthy ritual that would bless the Crystal of Moirai (pictured above) with enough power to break the ancient bonds placed on the Goddess Hera. The tests of the Moirai were all passed and I had moved beyond them to an old ruin, plagued by the other manifestations of the day.
The first, the three bald eagles that appeared flying over the Island of the Gods where both the Seven Mile Altar Stone and The Eagle - a green stone engraved with an image of an eagle, embedded with fulgurite (a petrified lightning bolt) was a trinity of bad omens. Such a strong manifestation of Zeus himself that could not be ignored.
I suppose it fitting that he should appear so intently given the story that has been written and chronicled so publicly as to border on a dire insult. But the will and pride of Zeus has never been of much concern when Hera comes into the considerations and it is nothing unknown. Often enough, gaining the love and favors of one God will gain you the ire and curses of another. Such is the games that the devoted play. It has been that way since ancient times and recounted in countless myths and legends. All warnings to not offend the Gods with wishy washy confusion and limited devotion.
The climb to gain audience with Lahkesis - the first of the Sisters of Fate to appear in the journey was met half way by a hawk, a manifestation of the Goddess Athena, who's attentions were somehow turned to this new tale. The noted messenger of Hera within the myths of the Iliad and others. Normally the bringing of a warning or some level of news regarding the planned interventions and plots of other Gods. But also, to those she favors, a measure of protection on long journeys.
It made sense for Athena to manifest to anyone who has read the ancient myths within their original context. Often enough one God would send another in order to guard themselves when the plot was as such all were in danger. Plotting anything against the arrogance of Zeus tops the lists of needed cautions.
Athena - wise, powerful, and almost always indifferent in such matters yet still no fan of most things Zeus does. Still, one has to wonder to whom it was she was reporting back to and exactly what enigmatic warning she had carried with her. Things only to be pondered over in hindsight now.
One might think themselves honored to have such classic manifestations appear at any time under far less dramatic and dangerous circumstances. One is prize enough for most and will become and enduring memory that they will dream about for years after. But this was no common journey chronicled by the average person. In point of fact, this story is unlike anything heard of anywhere today. In a world full of vague notions and sensitivities where the Gods are lucky to have names and identities of their own and when such are applied they are mismatched and confused beyond all rationalization. Reflective of this, the purporters of these new frames of mind and all things spiritual never have such manifestations appear, tales to be told, or blessings to be counted. Their apathetic indulgence leads them only to empty fields and barely a semi-spiritual experience that never goes very deep at all. They are mortally limited.
So comes The Journeybook - the long chronicle that defies a God in favor of a Goddess. Documented, written, illustrated, and filmed for all to see. This sacrilegious defiance  that tempts the Sisters of Fate and invokes the rage of Zeus who managed to intervene in the quest and end the ritual that would so empower Hera short.
A noted victory for the King of the Gods that delayed the journey to finish the ritual to bless the Crystal of Moirai and honor Hera with the prize of freedom. Even enemies can show respect and in this that respect was openly and honestly portrayed here: Apotheosis

Respects paid in kind and the defeat honestly portrayed in order to keep the truth of the story accurate and never to be altered. The accuracy of these events may be more important than the fact that they are manifesting at all within the modern world. The rarity of this makes it priceless and any confabulation or misrepresentation would only poison it all.
Zeus has taken such an interest in this as to manifest three-fold and stop the events from unfolding just before the end. A sign of concern, meaning that the path and ritual are not limited to the realms of fanciful notions brought forth from random visions and dreams.
But Zeus intervened too late in the quest. Perhaps the price of arrogance and underestimating the weight of things. The three tests of the Sisters of Fate were passed regardless of the debilitating injury come the third of those tests. The prize and blessing for passing the tests of the Sisters was the Mists of Moira - a remnant power of the primordial Ananke who came long before the Sisters of Fate, wielding the powers of inevitability, necessity, and the personification of destiny.
A blessing from the Sisters of Fate as a reward for passing their tests that when harnessed increases speed, endurance, strength, and willpower enough to defy the intervening will of a God. And a blessing that was also put to the test and documented on film in a training session here: Training Daze

The crystal chronicle closes with Zeus's victory in postponing the ritual from being completed. Now comes the intermission of winter and the telling of tales within the circles of ice and fire through the long winter nights. Now comes more learning, training, and the development of these new skills granted by the Sisters of Fate.
Let Zeus watch on with restless eyes and take no comfort in winning the first battle. The war is far from over.
